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Daily Menu

Nutritious and Delicious

With the help of the individual parents/guardians, we will attempt to personalize meal options so that they include foods each child enjoys. This will also help in having a higher success rate with meal consumption. Throughout the month, the children will take turns being "Chef of the Week," helping prepare the different meals/snacks of the day.

At DGLBCC, we strive to use only the freshest, top quality, organic ingredients when preparing any and all of our snacks and meals for the children; we also attempt to hand make the foods the children eat. If there are specific brands you use at home that the individual children enjoy, please inform us and we will try our best to incorporate them into our meals.

At DGLBCC, we understand that allergies are quite common, and can often be stressful for both parents and children. Between food and general seasonal allergies, it can often be quite a difficult time. We ask that parents/guardians disclose any and all allergies, as well as if the child has yet to be tested for certain allergens. Please see the Allergies section of the Google Form to disclose that information.

Nutrition: About Us
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Weekly Menu Example

Water, milk, and lemon water are offered at every meal.
Water is offered throughout the day, as well as with snacks.


Breakfast: Banana, blueberries, spinach and steel cut oats with whole milk baked in the oven

Snack:  Loaded Apple Slices - Apple slices with peanut butter, granola and raisins

Lunch:  Shredded chicken breast with broccoli, cauliflower and carrots on multigrain rice with tomato sauce

Snack: Cucumber cut into cute shapes with hummus and triscuit crackers


Breakfast: Flaxseed and cinnamon french toast sticks with peanut butter and cantaloupe

Snack:  Organic applesauce with blueberries on the side

Lunch: Angus beef tacos with cheese, bell peppers, onions, crunchy tortillas, salsa and sour cream

Snack: Rice Cracker “Sandwich” with Peanut Butter and sliced banana


Breakfast: Egg tarts with cheese, onions, and bell peppers with a side of strawberries

Snack:   “Green Smoothie Bowl” with  spinach, blueberries, strawberries, water, and plain greek yogurt

Lunch: Grilled cheese on ancient grain bread with ground flaxseed and roasted carrots 

Snack: Ancient grain tortilla chips with homemade guac


Breakfast: Carrot and spinach muffins with peanut butter on top with a side of freshly sliced peaches

Snack: Mini strawberry jam with fresh strawberries and flaxseed sandwiches on ancient grain and quinoa bread

Lunch:  Quinoa and lentil pasta with vegetable sauce (tomato, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower) with lemon chickpeas and shredded cheese baked in the oven  

Snack: Hummus with triscuit crackers and cubed cheese


Breakfast: Egg Muffins - eggs, spinach, cheese, and ground flaxseed with a side of ancient grains toast with unsalted butter

Snack:  Greek Yogurt with granola and pineapple

Lunch: Cauliflower Tots with cheese baked in the oven with hummus to dip

Snack: Rice cracker “sandwich” with cream cheese and cucumber

Nutrition: About Us

The following guidelines are observed when creating portion sizes for each meal / snack for each individual child.

If parents would like anything adjusted, please advise in writing, and we will add it to the individual child's profile.

Nutrition: Text

Daily Recommended Intake
for Toddlers 10 - 23 Months

700-1,000 calories a day split between 3 meals and 2 snacks
Half of the daily calories should be from healthy fats
2/3 – 1 cup of vegetables daily
½ – 1 cup of fruit daily  
1 ¾ – 3 ounces of grains daily
1 2/3 – 2 cups of dairy daily
2 ounces of protein daily

Nutrition: Text

Daily Recommended Intake
for Toddlers 2-4 Years

1,000-1,400 calories a day split between 3 meals and 1-2 snacks
Healthy fats should be reduced to about 30% of total daily calories
1-2 cups of vegetables daily
1- 1 ½ cups of fruit daily
3 – 5 ounces of grains daily  
2 – 2 ½ cups of dairy daily
2 – 5 ounces of protein daily

Nutrition: Text

Daily Recommended Intake
for Children 4 - 6 Years

1200-1800 calories a day split between 3 meals and 1-2 snacks
Healthy fats should be reduced to 25% of total daily calories
1½-2½ cups of vegetables daily
1- 1 ½ cups of fruit daily
4 – 6 ounces of grains daily 
2½ – 3 cups of dairy daily
3 – 5 ounces of protein daily

Nutrition: Text
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